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EPA's Bush-era sea level rise study

Part 1: Coastal Elevation Mapping

Russell Jones and Jue Wang. 2008. Interpolating Elevations: Proposed Method for Conducting Overlay Analysis of GIS Data on Coastal Elevations, Shore Protection, and Wetland Accretion Maps. In Background Documents Supporting Climate Change Science Program Synthesis and Assessment Product 4.1. Edited by James G. Titus and Elizabeth M. Strange. 2008. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. pp 45-67. EPA 430-R-07-004.

The summary is on this page. You can also download a printer quality version of this sea level rise GIS methods paper (pdf 800 KB, 23 pp).


Titus and Wang (2008) and the associated metadata document the methods used to generate state-specific GIS data sets of elevation relative to spring high water. Titus and Hudgens (in press) generated data on the likelihood of shoreline protection. In that analysis, the authors attempted to divide all dry land below the 20-ft (NGVD29) contour—as well as all land within 1,000 ft of the shore regardless of elevation—into one of four categories representing the likelihood of shore protection: shore protection almost certain, shore protection likely, shore protection unlikely, and no protection. Using these two data sets, this paper explains the methods used to quantify the area of land close to sea level by shore by various elevation increments and protection category. However, because EPA delayed publication of the shore protection analysis, this report only provides the elevation statistics.

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